Bowen - Top of the Whitsundays
28°C Strong Thunderstorms Strong Thunderstorms

Explore Bowen & the Whitsundays here...

Bowen is a town that enjoys all kinds of outdoor and indoor sports. Queens Beach boasts a nine-hole golf course with sweeping views of the ocean. Within walking distance are tennis courts, and the bowling green of the Wangaratta Bowls Club. The Bowen Bowls Club is situated in Livingstone Street with a modern, shady facility.

If you prefer to watch your sport, visit our local teams, the Bowen Mudcrabs (Rugby Union) and The Bowen Seagulls Junior Rugby League for a great day out and lend your support.

Water-based sports are enormously popular in Bowen, given the number of areas available. These activities include stand-up paddle boarding, skiing & tubing and kite surfing.

The PCYC Bowen offers a number of indoor sporting activities including squash, volleyball and basketball.

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