Bowen - Top of the Whitsundays
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A beach for everyone

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With eight stunning beaches within 10 minutes' drive, Bowen, at the Top of the Whitsundays, is fast becoming the tropical getaway of choice. And it's not only families & couples that are running away to paradise!
Our reputation as the perfect beach paradise has caught the attention of organisations big and small, from the Australian Mango Industry Association in 2017 to now an even juicier group, the Australian Naturists' Society!

Celebrating their love of all things natural, these free-living aficionados are planning on a major convention to be held in our very own natural wonderland. The society has expressed interest in holding their 'Freedom in Nature' conference in late August 2018 in Bowen. Events are to include a symposium on the benefits of naturism in modern society, workshops on safety in the outdoors, a day on the water and a gala dining experience. Up to 800 delegates are expected to bare all in the name of getting back to nature.

The cheeky event is expected to be met with mixed reactions, however local Hela Ofaanidea, originally from Europe, was all for the concept, "Where I come from, nakedness is seen as a normal part of life. I think there should be more of it! With our amazing beaches there's something for everyone.".
A local accommodation operator, who wished to remain anonymous, was also excited about the idea. "I think it's a ripper. It'll certainly put bums in beds, as they say.".

We spoke to society president Wayne Wigglesbottom about their plans to #visitbowen; "The idea come about after one of our members visited Bowen during a journey up the Queensland coast. He was very taken with the surrounds and of course took advantage of the clothing optional beach at Cape Edgecumbe. After some research and working with the local tourism group we realised we had hit upon the perfect location for our next convention."

The announcement of plans for this event today, April the 1st 2018, is expected to further increase interest in our region as well as tourism dollars. Event organisation is currently seeking local businesses to provide accommodation, catering, tour options and venues, although local clothing retailers are not likely to see dividends.

Well done on making it this far through the article – if you hadn't guessed by now, there are no plans (currently!) for any Naturist groups, pretend or otherwise, to visit the Top of the Whitsundays. However, there is some grain of truth to this April Fool's gag; Bowen is home to more than 8 amazing beaches and there is one for every person! With beautiful weather year-round, including balmy temperatures throughout winter, snorkelling straight from the shore, beautiful nature to explore (clothing recommended!) there really is something for everyone. Not just ideal for a holiday, Bowen is a great spot for events big or small for all kinds of organisations and pursuits with plenty of accommodation options, venues and beautiful outdoor locations - including a discretely secluded clothing optional beach.

Want to find out more about our tropical paradise? Check out the rest of our website for some great (and factual) information!


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