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Bait Reef and Garys Lagoon Dive Site


Bait Reef, in the Whitsundays area of the Great Barrier Reef, is situated to the west of Hook and Hardy Reefs, and is one of the best known and most spectacular locations on the Great Barrier Reef. Gary's Lagoon is well protected, making it a great site for snorkellers and beginner divers. The coral cover is excellent and the lagoon makes for easy diving before venturing into deeper water just outside the entrance. The lagoon is home to all sorts of tropical marine life including large soft corals, reef fish, turtles, wobbegongs and the occasional manta ray.

Visibility: 10 - 20 metres
Diving depth: 4 - 18 metres
Bottom: Walls forming inlets are solid coral, bottom is sand with scattered, low coral bommies.

Other sites on Bait Reef are the Manta Ray Drop Off, the Stepping Stones and the Southern Face. All rank very highly amongst experience divers and all offer very different diving experiences down to a depth of 36 metres.

Great Barrier Reef, Whitsundays, Queensland 4802 Australia

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