Bowen - Top of the Whitsundays
28°C Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny



What is bareboating? Bareboating is Easy!

A bareboat is a boat you can hire for charter in the Whitsunday Islands. You’re the skipper and your family and friends are the crew. You choose your destinations and anchorages every day! With your boat becoming your own floating hotel with 360 degree ocean views, even the toilet has a view.

The Whitsundays is the ultimate sailing ground in Australia and is home to one of the world's top ten beaches, Whitehaven Beach. Immerse yourself in the natural Whitsundays beauty of tropical islands, pristine beaches and beautiful anchorages.

Due to current health advice on social distancing, please contact the business for the most up to date information regarding opening times and services.

, Airlie Beach, Queensland 4802 Australia

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